Fuel level Sensor – GPS and GSM – Seztec USA

Fuel level Sensor – GPS and GSM

DUT-E GSM is a 2-in-1 device – fuel level sensor and GPS tracker in one body. It allows fuel level measurement and GPS position tracking of trucks and other road or off-road vehicles.

  • Overview
  • Technical Data
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  • Benefits

Among other applications, this level sensor is used for fuel monitoring of diesel generators and stationary cisterns/tanks.  Fuel tank monitoring based on DUT-E GSM is deployed quicker than regular telematics system – just one device is installed. Configuration of DUT-E GSM fuel sensor is possible via the Internet.

Data on fuel level, fuel volume, GPS coordinates and other operational parameters of machinery are sent to online telematics server or straight to a user (e-mail, SMS) over GSM network .
DUT-E GSM automatically detects and alerts fleet manager on fuel tank fill-up and fuel draining volumes. Since DUT-E GSM is an online fuel level sensor – it is a good solution for fuel-related IoT projects like smart building, smart factory, etc.

GPS / GLONASS vehicle monitoring
Working principle capacitive
Measurement inaccuracy, % 0.2 for stationary fuel tanks and standing vehicles
Maximum allowed trimming of probe to any length*
Maximum length, mm 6000 mm
Data transfer protocol to Server Wialon IPS v.2.0.

Built-in GPS-receiver and GSM-modem

DUT-E GSM allows fuel tank volume measurement and real-time satellite position tracking over GPS and GLONASS. Data are transmitted to the Internet via GSM cellular network. DUT-E GSM – out-of-the-box hardware solution for fuel monitoring and vehicle location tracking.

Remote configuration via the Internet

DUT-E GSM settings can be adjusted locally during fuel level sensor installation or remotely over the Internet. Technical support specialist can change settings from the office, without any physical contact with the sensor and without a need of asking fleet operator to stop the vehicle, where sensor is installed.

Recognizing Events and sending ready-to-use Reports

DUT-E GSM generates up to 20 different ready-to-use analytical Reports, containing fuel volume data, vehicle location, speed, direction of movement, etc. Reports are generated regularly (from 1s to 24h) or upon Event recognition. Event is a situation when operating parameter changes, e.g. engine start/stop, tank refilling, fuel theft from tank, speeding, etc.

Operation without a server

DUT-E GSM can work without a telematics server, since Reports are sent directly to user via SMS and e-mail. This feature is especially useful for stationary machinery owners, who do no need GPS position, but require wireless fuel data transfer.